Monday, 20 July 2015

Bye Bye Granny Takes A Dip Ballistic - Review and Pictures


My beloved Granny Takes A Dip will soon retire and leave a great big hole in my life. I fear the time is near as Space Girl, Rose Queen and Phoenix Rising have already been removed from Lush's website and are selling out fast in stores (for the full list of 2015 ''Discontinee's'' please click here to read my recent blog post) It's only a matter of time until Granny Takes A Dip follows suit and disappears from my life forever. I say forever, I've stocked up with 15 of these beauties so that should keep me going for.... 15 days.

Granny takes a dip is a firm favourite with many Beauty Gurus and Youtubers. Mainly due to the crazy psychedelic show it puts on! It can be dropped in the bath so all the colours start to fizz and run into the water straight away or it can be gently placed in the bath so the colours run from the outside in. It's quite a slower fizzer so this ballistic floats around for quite a while!



The bubbles are thanks to half of 'Rose Jam' bubbleroon. The bubbles do disappear after a little while but Rose Jam provides nourishment and moisture so i'll let it off! It also smells A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!

Below are some pictures of GTAD once all the colours start to run.


It's such a shame Lush are discontinuing GTAD, I was told it is being replaced with the Bubble Bar version so I will definitely be keeping an eye out for that. It won't be the same as watching this Ballistic quietly float around the bath leaving a trail of pretty colours behind it though!

These guys are also pretty angry that Granny Takes A Dip will soon retire, they love going for a swim in the pretty pinky/purple coloured water.
Let's hope Lush come up with some SUPER exciting new products to make up for the loss of GTAD!!
Clairella Daniella xx

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